Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I've had my place for over a year, and I think I've taken apart my second bathroom's shower knob about 10 times trying to figure out how to adjust the water temperature. Having a second bathroom is not as use full as one might think when the shower temperature doesn't get hot enough, leaving guests to shower in my bathroom. I'm not bothered by having people shower in my bathroom but why have a second bathroom if its not fully functioning. Today I was cleaning that bathroom in preparation for my college roommate to come visit and I thought I'd give the shower another try.

Another home owner's mystery is where the main water shut off is, so with each of my ten attempts I've had to endure blasts of ice cold water to my head, and today was no different. My hair is dripping at this very moment. I had a moment of brilliancy (is that a word?) and I tried an allen wrench in the tiniest hole in the handle, which was awkwardly placed and is absolutely impossible to peer in to, and voila it worked! I have a hot shower. For those of you who have showered in that bathroom, I'm sorry it took me 14 months to figure out how to dismantle a shower handle!

1 comment:

logandiane said...

HAHA That is so funny. I have been in the cold shower before :)
love you